Upcoming events
January 2025 Full Moon
Happy 2025! The new energy cycle of this year has already begun. January first full moon welcomes in The Wolf Moon and in the sign of Cancer. This full moon offers us a chance to ease into a new beginnings as well as presenting a quiet opportunity to rethink how you can be productive without sacrificing your relationships, mental health, and physical well-being for the year ahead.
The Full Moon in Cancer encourages us to turn our attention inward and create a safe space to feel, a space where healing, growth, and transformation can occur.
During this time, we are invited to welcome our vulnerability and recognize it as a strength, while keeping in mind that true growth, healing, and transformation only come from allowing ourselves to feel.
Join me Tuesday, January 14th as we gather in community to pause, tune in, and embrace where we are in our own journey, without judgment or rush.
A most magical evening awaits you.
Brave On!
*all sales are final
"Think Unlimited - A Vision Board Journey"
Dream it, see it, manifest it, plan it - Think UNLIMITED!
Would you like to be more passionate about your Life? Would you like to manifest more abundance + prosperity? Would you like to travel more? Feel more balanced?
The possibilities are endless ! Go beyond the limited thinking and see your life with a clear vision.
The energy cycle of 2024 has come to a close. We welcome the 2025 cycle with zeal and a renewed spirit of hope with so many possibilities. What better way to enhance your energy for the new year than to create your “vision”.
Join me for an evening of creation, inspiration and manifestation. This life changing soul searching event will include healthful tips, and prosperous thoughts to aide in taking action to reaching your vision!
Watch yourself transform into all you were intended to become! A most magical evening awaits you.
Selfcare investment: $45 (*All supplies provided)
All sales are final
November Full Moon Circle
In this month of “Thanks-Giving”, Novembers Full Moon brings our attention to the continuous dance of embracing change and resisting it. Seeking stability in our lives and the pursuit of evolving. The overall theme of accepting that some things in life are temporary offers us the opportunity to refine our ability to be discerning. To hold onto something or to let it go.
This full moon will increase our desire for freedom and our want to rebel from things that are not equal. Many of us will experience remarkable breakthroughs and will offer a time of decision making that revolutionize our lives.
As we embrace this season of gratitude we are invited to mature more spiritually, emotionally and creatively. To be of support to our higher selves to be a support to our loved ones. The harvest is coming to a close and we have begun the journey towards the winter months. A time for the dark night of the soul. A time to go inward, to listen to be at peace.
Join me for an evening of connection and community. Magical moments await you.
*space is limited, all sales are final
September - Full Moon Circle
Ahhh…the transition from Summer to Fall, my favorite time of the year. The air shifts to cooler breezes and the leaves offer us the most breathtaking colorful art work display ever. There is magic in the air.
The full moon closest to the Autumn Equinox is considered the Harvest Moon. A time when the bright moonbeams of the full moon were extremely helpful for busy farmers harvesting their crops and allowed them to work long hours into the night.
Septembers full moon illuminates the way through a season of abundance, reflection and spiritual meaning. Just as the falling Autumn leaves signal change, the Harvest Moon urges us to let go of situations no longer serving us and settle into a much slower pace and rhythm. Now is the time to think about what we’ve achieved internally and externally. This is the time we beginning to turn inward, as we feel the coming of the darkness of winter. We are pulled toward our spiritual side in a new way.
A month of mystery, magic and moments to cherish. Join me as we move from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Brave On!
*limited to 15ppl & all sales are final
August Full Moon
Last call for those long summer nights!
As the winds of summer slow down and a faint coolness begins to fill the air there’s a palpable spiritual energy present. The Aquarius sturgeon full moon brings with it a time to feel a surge of optimism and a readiness to embrace risks or welcome fresh prospects both in your personal life as well as your work life.
This empowering vibe can help you overcome doubts or past setbacks that may have restricted your friendships, social media habits, or shared goals over the past six months.
Let us gather together and share in the energies of the mighty sturgeon fish - a beacon of endurance and abundance. As well as the independent and innovative sign of Aquarius.
An evening you will surely not want to miss. An evening that moves us from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
Brave On!
*All sales final
Full Moon Circle - July
Congratulations its Twins! We have been gifted not one but two full moon’s in the sign of Capricorn. That’s right double the pleasure and double the fun 10-points if you know what this is from. This full moon will support us in viewing repetitive cycles, patterns we continuously get ourselves caught in. It invites us to look at what needs to shift and change within ourselves in order to evolve into different experiences.
July’s full moon is also refer to as the Buck Moon. The Algonquin tribes of the Indigenous Americans, refers to this time when the new antlers that are growing rapidly on male deer (bucks). This mid-summer cycle shows the growth of the deer and reaching full size. This time is truly reflected on us all. A gift of our transformation, assisting us in seeing the bigger picture.
Join me for an evening of community and connection. Collectively embracing the energy of July’s Full Moon.
A most magical evening awaits you all!
Brave On!
Limit of 15ppl
*all sales are final
Full Moon Circle - June
Spring has come and gone. Summer is now in full swing. Bring on the sweetness of June's full moon . This months moon promises a time of hard work and determination. Not only is this the first full moon of the summer, it is also the first of not one but two Capricorn full moons this year. As we begin the Cancer season the strawberry moon is here to help you level up. This event brings the spotlight on our personal and emotional maturation journeys and invites us to find more harmony between prioritizing our career responsibilities, commitments, and social duties, and prioritizing self-care, self-nurturance, and tending to our emotions. The Capricorn Full Moon is an invitation to practice holding space for our emotions without suppressing or bypassing them.
In American Indigenous tribes this full moon is referred to as the Strawberry moon for the ripeness of this incredible fruit harvested in the summer. What incredible energy awaits us all this month.
A most magical evening is upon us all.
Brave On!
Self care investment: $15
*all sales are final
May Full Moon Circle - The Flower Moon
“April showers bring May’s flowers'', as the saying goes. This month's full moon dares you to push the boundaries of your dreams and toss out self-defeating thoughts clouding your goals. As we say farewell to spring's final full moon, the flower moon offers opportunities to reignite your spark and rebuild your confidence before entering the bustling summer months.
May’s full moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius. The sign of philosophical and adventures nature, the flower moon is an amazing time to reassess and recommit to your long-term goals and personal beliefs.
This month's Full Moon is seen as a sacred time of blossoming and awakening. It is a seasonal reminder to be thankful for the beauty in the world, practice patience with yourself and others, and water and nurture the new beginnings you are cultivating.
Join me as we come together to embrace the energies of May's Full Moon. A most magical evening awaits you!
Brave On!
Space limited to 15ppl
*all sales are final
UU Womens Spirit Event
Gather at the Crossroads
May 15-19, 2024
...a confluence of intention and happenstance......where the ancient and the contemporary intertwine......and the path forward is ours to choose..
We have a variety of tracks and workshops. We will also have activities such as silent auction, healing circle, chapel, and tea and talk. We will also have the favorites that include cabaret, drumming and dancing, and sacred circle dancing.
Full Moon Circle - April
Calling all Scorpios this full moon falls in your sign this month. Oh what an emotionally intense lunation it is.
This full moon invites us to explore our resistance toward change, become close with our fears and illuminate the shadows within ourselves. All Full Moons activate two opposing and complementary signs: this month, the spotlight goes on the Taurus-Scorpio axis.. This correlates with finances, resources, and possessions, and with how we balance relying on ourselves and our own resources and relying on others and their resources. All these themes are now in the spotlight.
Join me as we discuss how this full moon offers us more insights into the process of the “unfolding” of us.
A most magical evening awaits you. Brave On!
Selfcare investment: $15
*all sales are final.
Full Moon Circle - March
This months full moon is a big one! Not only does it fall in the sign of Libra we will also experience a lunar eclipse.
Also referred to as the Worm Moon, this represents the ground warming up and softening, earthworms begin to re-reappear, followed by the birds. Waking us up at the end of our long winter hibernation. This month is a time to celebrate, the power of partnerships and synergistic connections. You may be called to re-evaluate the balance in your relationships and release any toxic patterns or behaviors blocking you from achieving true harmony.
The lunar eclipse is a powerful time of transformation and growth, and it's important to approach this intense period with an open mind and a willingness to embrace change.
An evening not to be missed. I look forward to seeing you!
Self care investment: $15.00
*All sales are final
February Full Moon Circle
Welcome 2024!
We have begun our journey for the year 2024. The energies the moons will bring are ones not to be missed. Every cycle carries with it the frequency of endings and beginnings. Opportunities to reflect, assess and realign.
Join me each month as we embody the energy of the Full Moons.
Self care investment: $15
*all sales are final
"Life is Great - Manifesting to New Heights"
2023… what a year it has been!
We are reminded that our personal journeys does not “end” and “begin” with each passing year. The energy is continuous and cyclical. However we give ourselves a moment to pause, reflect on the energies of 2023 and prepare for the incoming energies of 2024.
Using the tool of a Vision Board will assist us on manifesting our goals and our dreams from an intuitive perspective. Tapping into our higher selves and allowing our creative juices to flow.
Join me for an evening of inspiration, motivation, community and fun. Embracing your extraordinary YOU!
A most magical evening awaits you.
Brave On
*Self Care Investment: $40 (all supplies provided)
All sales are final
NIA - Winter Solstice
"Within you there is a stillness and a sanctuary to which you can retreat at any time and be yourself." - Unknown
Winter Solstice..the time of year the earth gets still, the animals begin their hibernation a time of stillness. This is the time of year to go within. Join me as we use this practice of movement, of sound and of our personal energy to retreat into our own authentic sanctuary.
Using the healing modalities of conscious intentional movement and NIA. Discovering the power of touch we complete our journey with Reiki and some sound healing.
A most magical evening awaits you. Brave On
NIA - Collective Movements
Each movement we make, is a collection of many different needs and emotions. All of this together brings us to a path of knowing. Who we are, our authentic truth.
Join me as we use the healing modalities of conscious intentional movement and NIA. Discovering the power of touch we complete our journey with Reiki and some sound healing.
Together, we move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On
*This is our makeup class for November. Looking forward to seeing you.
Full Moon Circle
The Full Moon of November 2023 resides in the zodiac of Gemini and brings with it the Beaver Moon.
Gemini urges us to articulate our wishes and dreams. It has us questioning, am I ready to transition my career? Is now the time for a shift? If you’ve been waiting for news or an answer, you could finally hear it.
The Beaver Moon is associated with the element of water . Water in astrology, symbolizes our feelings, intuitions, and inner work. Let it help you uncover hidden truths and embrace your true emotions. The beaver reminds us it’s time to say goodbye to Autumn and welcome the coming of Winter.
Join me for an evening of community, motivational discussions on how we can embrace these 2 energies before our final full moon of 2023 in December.
Remember a most magical evening awaits you so sign up today!
Self Care Investment: $15
*limited to 16 participants, all sales are final
Full Moon Circle
October has arrived and with it The Hunters Moon! This Full Moon brings with it the season of the hunt. Preparing for the icy cold days and nights to come, the time we begin to welcome the darkness with open arms and spirt. It is the harvesting and prepping for Winter to come.
Magical energy is in the air as we head toward Samhain..the time when the veil grows thin once again. The opportunities for this Harvest Moon are bountiful. We connect to our ancestors, embrace spiritual growth, as gratitude finds its way as we continue to enjoy this season of Autumn.
Bring your cozy cushions and join me for our 11th Full Moon Circle.
A most magical evening awaits you.
Self Care Investment: $15
*limited to 16 participants all sales are final
NIA - The Journey Of Letting Go
Fall, one of my favorite times of year. Embracing nature's innate ability to let go and release. This all begins with the potential to be vulnerable and trust that single step.
Join me as we use the healing modalities of conscious intentional movement and NIA. Discovering the power of touch we complete our journey with Reiki and some sound healing.
Together, we move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On
Full Moon Circle
Our journey through the celestial sky continues as we enter my favorite time of year - Fall! Join me for our 10th full moon September’s “Harvest Moon.”
The Harvest Moon is the most familiar moon names for it refers to the nearest full moon to the autumnal equinox. This September full moon carries an energy of endings. We will be served to ask our selves,"How can we avoid codependency in our relationships, while still having a true sense of intimacy? Are we giving away a part of ourselves to fit someone else's mold? Is flying solo what we now need in order to chase a dream that is meaningful to us?”
This energy dares us to put yourself out there, unvarnished, fully authentic and 100 percent amazing—as YOU define it.
I am truly looking forward to exploring and sharing this months full moon with you all.
As always, a most magical evening awaits you!
Self Care Investment: $15 (non-refundable)
*limited to 16 participants
NIA - In The Flow
Going with the flow, heading upstream or down..Our personal energy current assists us on our self care journey. Join me as we embody this energy using conscious intentional movement and NIA. Discovering the power of touch we complete our journey with Reiki and some sound healing.
Together, we move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On
Full Moon Circle
Let your imagination soar under August’s second full moon of the month (a blue moon!).
The blue moon is a term used to describe the second full moon in a single calendar month. It is a rare event that only occurs every two to three years, why we use the phrase "once in a blue moon." This year's blue moon also coincides with a supermoon, which is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, appearing larger and brighter than usual. Cool Right?
This Augusts blue, full, super moon is a rare and powerful event. It is a time to reflect on the past, set intentions for the future, and connect with the energy of the universe. In addition to manifestation and amplification, the energy of a blue moon can also aid in release and letting go. The full moon’s energy is already powerful, but during a blue moon, this energy is amplified.
Join me for TWO amazing Full Moon circles this August. Together we embrace and celebrate such a Joyous energy.
Thank you universe for the best birthday gift!
Self-Care Investment: $15 (non-refundable)
*Limited to 12 participants
Radiant Rhythm - Connecting to Your Inner Groove
Feel that movement, that vibration within? That is your radiant rhythm in action! Unique to us all, connecting to your personal inner groove is one of our best healing tools. Join me as we discover this rhythm using conscious intentional movement and NIA. Discovering the power of touch we complete our journey with Reiki and some sound healing.
Together, we move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On
Self care investment: $25
Full Moon Circle
Wahoo! August my birth month brings with it not one but TWO full moons. The icing on my cake…another Super Moon!!
We begin our first Full Moon circle in the sign of Aquarius. These energies helps our collaborations take flight. A time to seek out kindred spirits and people who think outside the box.
During this full moon, significant events take place, this is a time of change: not easy, but very interesting. You just need to decide on the priorities – and everything will work out. The energy of Aquarius has the potential to bring up emotions, it also brings insight into who you are. It illuminates our path and direction through life. All of this preparing us for the next energy boost of the Super Moon/Full Moon of August 30th!
Self Care Investment: $15 (Non-refundable)
Limit of 12 people per circle.
Nia: Feeling Freedom
You are the Bravest person you will ever know. Each and every moment acknowledge your right to Feel Freedom, in your Soul, your Mind and your Body. Revel in your dance of destiny. Join Amy Gonzalez-Nelsen and step into body movement with the practice of NIA, have awareness and intention of how we find wisdom in the movements. In combination with frequency healing and energy work we will move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On!
Self Care Investment: $25
Full Moon Circle
Its that time again folks! Our mid-year check in. However this check in is a “Super” big one. Not only are we connecting to the energies of Full Moon in Capricorn we are also connecting to our first Super Moon of 2023!
Remember those intentions you made back in January? Thats right its time to set the stage for a review. This incredible energy provides us with an opportunity to evaluate what is serving us and what we can X off our list.
Indigenous Americans refer to this full moon as the “Buck Moon”. It is the a time of year that coincides when male deer, or bucks, start to grow their antlers. These antlers are a symbol of strength and growth, which is why the Buck Moon is often associated with renewal and rejuvenation.
An action packed month for sure.
Bring an open heart and an open mind, for a most magical evening awaits you.
Registration is $15 and there is a limit of 12 people per circle.
Nia: Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice, the longest day of light..a time to review and awaken the soul once again. The body has journeyed through many highs and lows this past 6 month cycle. The time for the Soul to breathe. Join Amy Gonzalez-Nelsen and step into body movement with the practice of NIA, have awareness and intention of how we find wisdom in the movements. In combination with frequency healing and energy work we will move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On!
Cost is $25.00
Nia: Movement is Medicine
Not feeling too well? Shoulders tight? Hips not moving well? Look no further, You are your best healer! Trusting your body's "speak" movement is the medicine you seek. Join Amy Gonzalez-Nelsen and step into body movement with the practice of NIA, have awareness and intention of how we find wisdom in the movements. In combination with frequency healing and energy work we will move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On!
Self Care Investment: $25.00
Full Moon Circle
This month's full moon is a Flower Moon in Scorpio. We also have a Lunar Eclipse, so we have the energy of all three. Wowza! During this full moon circle, we will allow ourselves to be swept up into the Universe's greater plan. This is 2023's only full moon in the mysterious zodiac sign of Scorpio. Due to the energetic properties of both the full moon and the lunar eclipse occurring simultaneously, there will be a monumental emergence of energy that brings many surprises. In circle, we will be an open channel for creativity, spiritual downloads, and embracing Scorpio's investigative powers of thorough research.
Rounding out our three energies, we embrace the properties of the flower moon, bringing in the spirit of Beltane. A time to plant intentions that will blossom to prepare us for the summer solstice.
Join me at The Bag Lady and bring an open heart and an open mind, for a most magical evening awaits you.
Energetic Exchange: $15
Nia: The strength of the embrace
Where does your strength live? It is in the very fabric of our being, the amazing vessel we are given, our Body. Discovering and connecting to the frequency of our touch. Join Amy Gonzalez-Nelsen and step into body movement with the practice of NIA, have awareness and intention of how we find wisdom in the movements. In combination with frequency healing and energy work we will move from the ordinary to the extraordinary. Brave On!
Self Care Investment: $25.00